our services


Appliance and Espresso Machine Sales

Please contact our sales team to discuss your needs. Sales catalogs are available on our home page under each brand’s logo.

Basic Appliance Repair

Service Call/Diagnosis $110 - $150 (per appliance)

This includes the initial diagnosis of machine and recommendation for repair and parts, if repairable.

Repair Starts at $210 - $250

Cost to repair starts at $210 - $250 plus the cost of tech supplied parts for typical repair.

Sealed System Starting at $600

Once the diagnosis is completed, the technician will advise if the issue is a sealed system issue and the approximate cost of the parts and repair.

Gas conversions $210 - $250

Property Tech will do the gas conversion on the appliance, but will not do the installation of a gas appliance. This rate is for gas conversion only.

High-End Appliance Repair

Service Call/Diagnosis $185 (per appliance)

This includes the initial diagnosis of machine and recommendation for repair and parts, if repairable.

Repair Starts at $310+

Cost to repair starts at $310+ plus the cost of tech supplied parts for typical repair.

Sealed System estimate after diagnosis

Once the diagnosis is completed, the technician will advise if the issue is a sealed system issue and the approximate cost of the parts and repair.

GATE Repair

Service Call/Diagnosis $250 (per GATE SYSTEM)

This includes the initial diagnosis of the gate and recommendation for repair and parts, if repairable.

Repair Starts at $310+

Cost to repair starts at $310+ plus the cost of tech supplied parts for typical repair.